  1. About download



Documents and software are available for download. Customer information is required for downloading software.

Notes on use of instruction manual download service

  • The copyrights to the instruction manuals belong to Leader Electronics Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). Copying any of the instructions manuals either in whole or in part without prior written consent from the Company is prohibited. However, if you own and use our products, making one (1) copy of the instruction manuals for those products for your own use is permitted.
  • The instruction manuals made available on this site are subject to change without notice due to product specification changes and so on. Please note that for this reason, the instruction manuals on this site may differ somewhat from the ones you have.
  • This site does not make available the instruction manuals of all our released products. If you cannot find the desired instruction manual, please contact our local sales office. Please note that for reasons such as discontinuation of sales, the desired instruction manual may no longer be available.
  • This product may come with additional printed material that supplements the instruction manual, but such printed material is not available on this site. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Instruction manuals are for customers who have purchased the product. We may not be able to respond to inquiries about the instruction manuals available on this site from customers who have not purchased the corresponding products.

Notes on external drawing download service

  • The copyrights to the external drawings belong to Leader Electronics Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company").
  • The external drawings made available on this site are subject to change without notice due to product specification changes and so on. Please note that for this reason, the external drawings on this site may differ somewhat from the ones in the instruction manuals that you have.
  • This site does not make available the external drawings of all our released products. If you cannot find the desired external drawings, please contact our local sales office. Please note that for reasons such as discontinuation of sales, the desired external drawings may no longer be available.
  • External drawings are materials for the use of customers who have either purchased or are planning to purchase the corresponding products. We may not be able to respond to inquiries about the external drawings available on this site from customers who have no intention to purchase the corresponding products.

Notes on software download service

  • The copyright to this software and any copies belongs to Leader Electronics Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company").
  • You are responsible for downloading and installing the software.
  • The software can be used only for the corresponding equipment that was purchased.
  • It is prohibited to decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, or otherwise reverse engineer the software.
  • You may not copy, modify, or distribute the software to third parties, or use it for commercial purposes (rental, pseudo rental, selling to third parties, and so on).
  • The software is subject to change without prior notice.
  • The release notes of the software indicate the various versions to which functions have been added.


Software that is not made available on this site is not supported as a rule.

We are unable to provide support for operation problems that arise due to conflicts between free programs (software) and specific devices.

Further, the Company shall not be held liable for any damages or losses suffered by a customer owing to such problems.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Company is under no obligation to correct errors, malfunctions and defects in free programs that arise out of specification changes to said free programs or for any other reasons.

Further, the Company shall charge for repair work necessitated by failure during software updating (due for example to download data file corruption caused by communication error).